Hi there again, well as promised yesterday, here in this post, I have used my layout to inspire a card and thought you might like to see how its put together.
(and no there is NO FELT Lee, LOL!!)
This is a fairly photo heavy post, but I have found in the past that if people get to see the little nitty gritty bits of how something comes together visually, then it is often easier for them to get a grasp on.
okay here we go ;0)
What we are creating, layout on the left from yesterday and the card on the right.
The card measurements are 21cm x 15cm folded in half to form your card. I have used kraft coloured card, you might prefer a different colour. And just a 12"x12" piece for the layout.
The main tools we are using are - The Woodland Shape Template, Utra ShapeXpress with the Fiskars Craft mat, 2' squeeze punch, lace border punch, fingertip control craft knife, you will also need your basic tools, steel ruler, black ink pad micro tip scissors and a sewing machine with white thread. Now if you don't have any of these, don't panic, there is always an alternative, and I will make some suggestions in relation to this as we go through.
1. Use your stamp to stamp on the top and bottom of the card/layout. Below is what the stamp looks like in its entirety. Simply ink up and position on the edge of your page, be sure to put a piece of scrap paper under the edge of your work so you don't end up with ink everywhere.
Now if you don't have this stamp don't panic, try ruling the lines using a black fine tip marker, or doing little dashed or dotted lines, use an alphabet stamp to spell out "life", better still mix and match different alphabets to get the same or similar look. You could even use sticker alphas if you wanted. Parenthesis are easy to draw and colour in or cut out of a piece of black card, or again you may have a stamp, chipboard or sticker that will do the same job. Get my drift, anything goes, you can make it all work by inking it black to pull it together.

Below is what it will look like on your folded card.

2. Next sew around the outside of your card front, be sure to open your card out flat, "duh" you may say, but yes it is easy to sew it together ;0) and yes i am speaking from experience!!
Don't have a sewing machine, you could do it by hand or do faux sewing using a white gel pen and if you want to be really authentic you could use a paperpiercing tool to put your little needle holes in and join them with the white gel pen. I know that is pretty extreme but you know anything is possible and you might not use it here, but one day it will be just the tip you are looking for to finish off a little project ;o)

3. Okay next,tear a couple of pieces of PP from your scraps and sew on the top and bottom give the edges a bit of a sand first and rough them up, soften them with your fingers so they curl as seen in the photo.

4. Next take a piece of dotted organza ribbon and sew it to your card front, just gather it up as you go all rough like.
5. It will look like this below.

6. Now we are going to make our yellow/blue border embellishment. Cut a scallop border using your woodland template side.

Use the ruler and fingertip control craft knife to cut it off into a strip as seen below.

Next use your 2" round squeeze punch to punch out the little notches in each scallop as you can see in the pic below.
Alternatively you could cut with scissors. Give all the edges a light sand.

Cut a thin strip approximately 1cm out of dark blue

Attach to the back of your yellow scallop and secure with tape, give the edge of the dark blue a light sand also. Pop this aside for now and we will get the other pieces cut.

7. Use the Lace border punch to punch along the edge of your floral PP, trim off to about 1.5cms.

Use the sewing machine to attach it to your card, just sitting on top of your organza ribbon as seen below.

8. Now we are going to make our little bunting chain and our bird. The pieces you are going to use are on the woodland template. For the layout you will use the bigger leaf shape for your bunting and for the card you will actually use the birds wing to make a smaller version of bunting, more suitable to your card.
Cut them out using the cutter and template, and then cut them in half as seen below. Cut your bird and assemble him using thick double sided tape to give him dimension.
Note that there are 2 birds on the layout and only one on the card. To get your 2 birds to face each other, you will have to cut one bird on the right side of the PP and flip the paper over and cut the other bird on the wrong side of the paper, that way you will have a little birdy facing each other.

To make your bunting you simply feed through the sewing machine leaving a gap in between so it looks like rope. Alternatively you could attach it to a piece of ribbon with tape or a quick hand stitch, or you could staple the bunting pieces to ribbon.

9. Now that you have your last few elements made you can add them to the card.
After your ribbon and lace border you can add your yellow embellishment on thick dimensional tape to lift it up above the other borders. Then sit your little birdy on top, be sure to add a double layer of thick double sided tape so he sits up nice and proud ;0)
10. Your bunting can be draped across as shown and again adhered with thick mounting tape. Note on the card I had some extra little bunting pieces left so I added them just under the birdy as well, didn't want to throw them out after all that hard work, LOL!!
I also cut a flourish from the yellow paper, a bigger one for the layout and smaller for the card and just poked it under securing with tape.
To finish off just add your pearl rhinestones and journalling in brown zig writer in your stamped journalling block and above your bunting if you are doing the layout.
The one thing i didn't photograph was the word "talk" on the layout, I simply drew the word onto the PP in pencil and cut it out using the microtip scissors, gave a light sand around the edges, voila!! Instant original title!!
If you want closeups of the layout pieces you can check out the post HERE.
Goodness, are you still with me LOL!!
Well hope you find the time to have a play or that you may have learnt a little something new.
If there is something i haven't made clear enough or you have any questions at all, be sure to shoot me an email or if you have time to have a play we would love to see. My email addy is [email protected] .
Annette :0)
PS. forgot to mention that the paper pack I used was Finleys Estate, by Cloud 9, you may still be able to get your hands on some.
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